Sunday, April 17, 2011

Gelato Teppan

this is the only thing i enjoyed in that buffet dinner that will go down in infamy as far as the history of my love for food is concerned. a twist in our beloved gelato >> teppanyaki style.
1) select your flavor
2) you may be nuts, but you need to select from this variety
I chose pistachio, almond, rice crisp, and a few chocolate chips
gelato is italian, thus has a sour identity to it. so for me, the way to enjoy it is to have a combo of 2 flavors and always have chocolate to balance the sourness with its sweetness
3) let the mixing begin..


  1. waaaahhhhh!!!! i want that too! i'm really hating this blog right now.

  2. hehe. i havent seen any gelato joint doing this.
